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Would love it, but not being savable makes the game unplayable unless you try to finish it in one session.

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it's a shame that it doesn't have an export/import function, I clear my browser cookies from time to time which means i will lose this save


I just clicked hard reset by accident.  No confirmation prompt, nothing.  Everything gone including the save.

what is the last level of thinking that is still unlocks things?

22/23 i think


saving dose not work


game still without save yes? Nice…

How Does Thinking Kill You In This?


Depressive thoughts, Think too much leads to don't give shit in real life, being 'Creative'..


I had advanced on the game long ago, but even by pressing Load im still at the starting point. Help to recover my progress?


This game is interesting but counter-intuitive.

The main progression comes from Skill Mastery which you get by getting levels in the skill. The early level are faster to get, so the best way to raise Mastery is by dying as fast as possible after getting a few levels in the skill to train. This makes the first few unlocks useless: increasing your max DL makes you gain Mastery slower! The only purpose of these unlocks at this point is to gain achievements... whose rewards also increase your survivability and slow you down!

Once you get to Thinking 9 you do need some boosts to start getting exp in Perfectionism, but once you get a Mastery level it's more efficient to reduce the life duration than to push for more Perfectionism levels at once.

And then Thinking 12 adds a Combat system and Perks... that have no link to the existing systems at all! No impact on DL, no Gold reward, no benefit from existing skill, drink or shop items, it just takes time away from grinding Skills while you fight to get Perks. And the first per is... increased max DL, slower Mastery!

I'm at Thinking 13 and have not tried getting the Combat skills unlocked there. It seems pointless: why invest time into getting enough money and shop items to get a level and get 2-4 more Perk points when I could instead take 3 lives to gather 3x2 Perk points? The only reason to bother with Combat skills is to complete the Training Grounds.

In the end it all boils down to how Mastery is easier to grind with short lives. If you make the Mastery exp per skill level match the growth of the skill level exp, then it would make long lives more efficient and the rest of the game would make sense.

(1 edit) (-1)

I don't agree with you at all. sure at the start getting mastery is easier through fast death but as the game goes you get more ways to multiply mastery at late stages so it's a lot harder to get there fast. for example, the shop item for mastery makes it a lot better if you buy a couple of them you can get many times more mastery
the goal of the game is to get as far as you can and continue to live for as long as you can at the same time so if the goals make it harder on each other, it would have been good anyway

i want a way to download the game, would that be possible any time soon


You have to click through the giant scare "YOU DIED" screen every time?

nah this is crap


Remember to save frequently, this game doesn't have auto save.

so i'm in the early/mid game and i'm at the point where i'm fighting training dummies. what strategies should i use? should i just go straight to fighting or try to skill up?


what got updated

I second this question

I third this question

i fourth this question

Good game, i hated having to save manualy but it seems well  made for now


i kind of wish there was a little more automation to the game

nice idea, nice game. Want more .

any news on the update sir?

how to get achievment 'now fight some real enemies'?

How do you get the "Now fight some real enemies" Achievment?


Hope all is well, Sczuka. Lots of fans eagerly awaiting any sort of update!


Count me as one. I'm excited to see this game develop. I think it can be something special.

This message still stands

Also do you plan on making discord for your game?

@sczuka any chance new update is coming in soon?

still really enjoying the game!

Next good idle just died :(

it can be good game :(


i am disappointed it is late too. but give the guy some slack. sounds like he was expecting no one to care it existed. he likely has a full time job to build the game around.

is there a way to port saves to other devices?


when will be the update?

idk, im scared it may never arrive

i bite all npc, i cant die somewhere, and using work for duying it is faster way, but it is so long)

i waiting for automation for skills, auto use drinks before it will be end, autobuy in store and autoprogress on the map)

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You can drink the same drink multiple times and it will stack. But auto buy would be really good.

i know, but i make 2 hours for each, it is a lot of clicks on each )

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There is a bug that makes the Farmer keep working but it can’t be stopped. It’s very annoying cos I die by reaching DL when I’m just fighting. When the Farmer is “unstoppable” you can at the same time progress the bar on other activities (including other jobs).


absolutely loved what you've got as a start! reached the point where dying is actually difficult and the ability to die for faster loops would really help, everything past noob mastery feels very unobtainable just because loops take forever

(1 edit) (+1)

We need:

  • Speed up button

  • Pause button

  • Auto death button

  • A button that adds some background music :P

There is nothing more after forest?

No, forest and thinking 22 is the end of current content. 

Then how to ge achivement "Now fight some real enemies"?

It's supposed to be for killing Target Dummy I 1000 times, but it's currently broken and unobtainable :/.


When we can expect update?

Honestly, I don't know, I'm working on it, but I'm bad at estimating times.

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No one is good at it xD especially in programming. It is a pretty good game tho.

(2 edits) (+1)

Pro tip for players: If you want to know if you’ll win the fight, multiply YOUR DAMAGE x YOU ATTACK SPEED x YOUR CURRENT HP. If that value is higher to that of the enemy, you’ll win.

For example:

You have 5 DMG, 0.2 ATTACK SPEED, and 300 HP.

5 x 0.2 x 300 = 300

The enemy has 2 DMG, 1 ATTACK SPEED, and 100 HP.

2 x 1 x 100 = 200

In this case you’ll win.

I call that number your “Combat Stat Product” or CSP.

(2 edits)

Or you go a step further xD
Training Dummies 5 is the best way to go xp wise but it takes ages to get killed ^^. Dmg and XP Gain of the second Map need some tweaking.

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That depends on the Damage you do per attack, in my case I could get to 4.98 attack so for me it’s best to farm the Dummies III, they always hit me once even if I take the Speed drink so that’s my strat to farm essence atm.

Eventually you will get to a point where you can one shot a Walking Inventory and you have millions of HP, so you won't be able to die because you will heal long before your HP hits zero.  The only thing that could kill you is you dying of old age, in which case it becomes a race against time, not of HP and fighting the Walking Inventory becomes the fastest way to gain XP.

Did you get that far? You will unlock a new mechanic after killing walking inventory for the first time, so I didn't even test it past that point yet.

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yeah, reached that point 1 day after posting hahaha


I really enjoyed this first draft. The only issues I encountered is the lack of explanation for some things, which makes sense given the early release. 

These would by suggestions for things to possibly add:

- indication for when thinking skill is maxed as of this version

- info on sigil upgrades being permanent, otherwise their price makes them seem rather pointless so people might not try them at all

- 5-10% passive effects of inactive sigils that have been unlocked in previous lifes. A more complicated version would be to only have this effect for the sigil chosen in the last life to encourage switching playstiles between rebirths.

- the game gets rather slow once you reach the later stages. A feature to increase game speed could be helpful (for example a skill, beverage or class upgrade).

By “class level” does it mean the one from combating?


On Store, does Mastery Upgrades increase “xp gain bonus” or “mastery xp gain”?

Also, what is the difference between both?

It affects mastery xp gain, that's how much mastery xp are you going to get after you die. The formula for it is skill_lvl * multipliers. 

Xp gain bonus is the effect of mastery, multiplier to normal xp gain (1.2^mastery). 


The game is already great. Aside from the stuff you mentioned I would like to see a "Guardian Angel" upgrade, that once per life automatically halts all your activity if you were to die otherwise. I lost too many runs while idling, and I don't think the game should require your full attention.

Also some parallelization would be cool, like being able to do 1 skill, 1 job and 1 combat at the same time.

I plan on adding a feature, where you will be able to set certain conditions, when to pause the game. Like, pause on 10% hp. And I also have some ideas for future content, which will allow you to do something similar to parallelization. 

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ngu's parallelization you could implement just as a percentage of 100, toggle doing an activity *0.5 and you have another .5 to use.. reduce micro manage,

usually they reduce it with que systems but sounds interesting to avoid it, maybe also having more general [if number is at x or x% then go ahead and buy thing,]

instead of micro waiting to set up the current thing, you add such setups without wait and wait to be surprised by what youll set up next instead.

its like the game can play in your head. it removes some pain and resistance but it makes sense to only have pain from waiting in an idle game, the alternative being making the controls fun which is a different game.

its a personal problem to not avoid mind blank during micro managing but anyway beautiful game


The current idea I have in mind is that you will be able to get orb as a rare drop from mobs, you will be able to use those to upgrade certain things and when you upgrade skill or job, you will be able to run it all the time.

I would like to avoid adding a system like queue or something similar to ngu, because I think they can become anoying very easily e.g. you spend a lot of time optimizing the queue and then you unlock new things which makes it less efficient.

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